瓊花殞,玉瓶沉,青鸞斷續小庭昏。 紅樓夢盡無歸路,墨灑霓裳掩淚痕。 昔日風流今安在,一簾幽夢化纖塵。 悲秋雁,斷腸辰,天光雲影染香魂。 黛玉葬花誰再見,他年葬身有幾人。 瑤池仙子瀛洲去,空山紅葉雨涔涔。
沒有什麼是永恆的,只有幻滅是永恆的。只有憂傷耐人尋味,只有失去記憶猶新,只有悲劇刻骨銘心。而得到只會習以為常,快樂總是轉瞬即逝,圓滿註定曇花一現。所謂喜劇,不過是未寫完的悲劇而已。 Nothing is eternal; only disillusionment is. Only sorrow lingers in one's thoughts, only lost memories remain fresh, and only tragedy is etched in the heart. What is gained becomes routine, happiness is always fleeting, and fulfillment is destined to be a brief moment like a fleeting blossom. The so-called comedy is nothing more than an unfinished tragedy.